Friday, January 8, 2010

the little prince

How does the text related to the theme of a journey?

This narrative states the asteroids visited by the little prince. He visited them to look for an occupation and to broaden his scope of knowledge.

What is the main issue in the text?

The main theme of this novel is about friendship. Although the writer and the little prince came from two different planets, they still can be close friends despite the differences in them. The writer tried his best to help and understand the little prince whilst learning from him. The bond between them was strong.

What quality do u admire or dislike in a character?

The writer gives me a good impression in the beginning of the story. He was a patient man. This was clearly shown during the time he explained his drawing to his friends without any complaints. Other than that, he showed his tolerance again when the little prince asked him to draw him a sheep. He had drawn for thrice until the little prince satisfied with the drawing. Besides, he also asked the little prince if to add up a rope on the drawing to tie the sheep.

Apart from that, the writer threw in the towel very easily when he faced adversities or challeges. He was a person who always hid himself from the reality. For example, he gave up a magnificent career as a painter at the age of six as the grown-ups advised him to give up his drawings because they never understood a single thing of his drawings.

How does the text develop your understanding of the world?

The relationship between the writer and the little prince makes me realize that the bonds between people nowadays are so fragile and delicate. The selfishness and ignorance of the people has turned this world into a cool and dangerous place. Crime, the major concern of the politicians happens due to the lack of love and communication among the people. Ergo, we should learn from the writer and the little prince. Love, the power of all, can help to reduce all these disharmonies to the minimum. Thus, let us convey our most genuine love to everyone so that our Mother Earth can return to her usual hormonious and idyllic condition for her people to live in.

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